vendredi 2 novembre 2018

VR is the New Future

Virtual Reality is the New Future In 1999 one of the most influential a Virtual Reality movie The Matrix, and many people still remember the scene of Neo’s Kung Fu training stimulation in the Virtual Reality world. In the movie, lead character Leo (played by American actor Keanu Reeves) goes into the simulated Reality world called " the Matrix" created by sentient machines and starts his adventure. Nowadays, for many of us, the term Virtual Reality is very familiar but also hard to explain. Perhaps it is in the game that you have been playing with VR headset, or it was when you stepped inside of Hogwarts Castle in Universal Studios with your 3D glasses? Why is virtual reality such a big thing? What the Virtual Reality really is? Virtual Reality is the simulated three-dimensional environment or image that is generated by computer. VR has many different names such as cyberspace, simulations and virtual environment or artificial worlds. It began in early 1920 by Edwin Link to train pilots. The first Virtual Reality device called " Sensorama," and Morton Heilig invented it in 1957. During the 1980's and 1990's, the Virtual Reality have used in many NASA projects (VRS.ORG.UK). Nowadays, Virtual Reality industry is rapidly growing. According to the numbers given by the OLED Association, in 2017 VR games and APP from the Google play and App store grew 276%. By the end of 2017, the total revenue of VR was $7.17 Billion. By 2021, it will reach $74.82 billion ( VR experience headsets made by big companies such as HTC, Google, Samsung, and Sony aggressively rise by 16 million in 2017 to 91 million in 2021. In our era, most people believe that Virtual Reality is only used for Gaming. It is true that Virtual reality is an inseparable aspect of the filming or Gaming industry, but there are many other uses of Virtual Reality that change our world and it will shape the new future with its several advantages. The use of Virtual Reality in education creates endless benefits for students. When we mention the use of Virtual Reality in classrooms, many people may argue that the high cost of the Virtual reality devices such as headset or specific 3D glasses to create that Virtual reality environments. It is true that in recent days, to have real experience, certain Virtual Reality software requires particular headsets. However, Virtual reality software such as 3D Google Earth tour only needs to have a smartphone or a laptop to experience the Virtual Environment in the classroom. When I was taking world history in the past, our professor used Google Earth to travel back in time on the streets of the ancient Roman Empire or inside of Greek temples. As a student, I was surprised by the views from many hundreds of years ago while using my phone. By using a simple app such as Google Earth, we already had a better understanding and clear image of what we were learning. So, what is going to happen if we use VR hardware in classrooms? In the scholarly article " Virtual reality: Low-cost tools and resources for the classroom" by Brown and Green, the authors both agreed that even though low-cost virtual reality hardware is a recent phenomenon, many low or no cost VR options such as Google Cardboard that only costs a few dollars are always available for students and educators (Brown &Green 2016). So, while at school students can use their smartphone with the help of inexpensive VR tools to explore space, the oceans, destinations, and wildlife with immersive 360-degree visuals can help students learn more efficiently The Virtual Reality is a useful and beneficial tool in healthcare 's medical practice with its many significant aspects. Pain reducing, relaxing, connecting patients and also VR stimulated surgery, medical training is the way that Virtual Reality is improving the healthcare industry. In INOVA's Children's hospital and INOVA's Mount Vernon hospital Alexandria, VA, child life specialists and therapists are both heartily agreeing that the most significant benefits of applying VR in the children life department is the little patients can escape the reality momentarily and reduce anxiety while some medical procedures are going on ( In INOVA's Mount Vernon hospital, they mentioned that VR simulation is very new in their location. However, healthcare professionals skillfully used this innovative technique in emergency rooms to reduce pain, manage stress, and control narcotic addiction while enjoying the tour of 360 degrees of beautiful views and landscaping (INOVA.ORG). According to the report given by the Psychiatric Service Journal, posttraumatic stress disorder and other psychological problems have been noted among veterans who operated in Iraq and Afghanistan. So, mental clinicians regularly use VR for stimulating a combat environment to monitor psychophysiological reactivity. The authors also mentioned that clinicians were impressed by the positive outcomes given by VR and precise results of reducing combat-related anxiety in therapy (Kramer, T. L., PhD., Pyne, J. M). Also, public speaking anxiety is a common phobia that affects 75% of populations in the United-Sates. Stress caused by public speaking anxiety results unsatisfied grades in class or work performances. So, studies showed that the results of cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) were more effective by using VR (Wallach, H., Safir, M., & Bar-Zvi, M). On the other side, the VR simulation technology not only benefits the patients, but it is also bringing teaching and learning experiences in medicine at the most efficient level. In many hospitals in the United States, Phlebotomy (drawing blood) requires lots of practice, but it is considered as one of the simplest medical procedures. My friend who is currently in his last semester at medical school has mentioned multiple times that in classrooms students always practice IV (Intravenous) procedures with VR stimulations, and also alongside with traditional simulated practice. In the article " The efficacy of a medical virtual reality simulator for training phlebotomy," the authors explained that medical VR simulators provide students an alternative form of training in any time. (Scerbo, M. W., Bliss, J. P. 2006). In 2016, the first live stream VR colon cancer surgery took place at the Royal London Hospital by cancer surgeon Dr. Shafi Ahmed. More than 55,000 people (mostly medical students in worldwide) watched the three hours surgery without stepping into the surgery room. Dr. Ahmed said that " Once you take away the wow factor, I see a teaching medium that can be used" (CNN). So, VR is an useful teaching tool in medical study practices. In the future, utilization of Virtual Reality will transform e-commerce and it will be the key to success in business. Nowadays, customers are more shopping more online and competition between online stores and boutiques are crucial. So, there is no doubt that using VR in e-commerce is the critical element that improves shopping experiences and increase sales goals. The primary purpose of VR simulated shopping is to have real-life shopping experience. So, while doing VR shopping, customers can virtually visualize products and explore virtual stores. Japan has already begun using virtual reality simulations to provide home buyers the opportunity to walk through a virtual kitchen. Also, home buyers able to operate as if the kitchen is real (Patel, H., & Cardinali, R. 1994). In the United-Sates, Lowe's Holoroom could be another excellent example of virtual reality in e-commerce. In 2017, Loewe launched its first VR DIY clinics in three branches that called Holoroom. Holoroom is a VR home improvement tool, and the primary purpose is to help Lowe's customers to visualize and learn how to DIY in store, then shop online. The Executive director of Lowe Innovation Lab mentioned that more than 36% of customers had a better recall about the products they have used in VR Holoroom lab (lowesinnovationlabs). According to statistics given by the PEW, more than 64% of customers like to buy in the physical store, and 77% of customers want to have advice from sales specialists in person ( So, using VR in the physicals store is another way to attract more customers and make good shopping experiences in boutiques. Big clothing brands such as Burberry, Topshop, Uniqlo, and Gap have already started VR/AR experiences in their physical boutiques. By having VR dressing rooms and installing AR mirrors, customers can try items in their online shopping cart or adding brand inspired drawings to their look. So, Using VR in the actual store is a great way to build customer experiences and relations rather than pushing to sell aggressively. In conclusion, VR is one of the most innovative but controversial technology in the 21st century. VR industry is rapidly growing, and VR technology is improving by creating the most realistic experiences with its unique characters. The future of Virtual Reality is timeless, and applications of VR will use in many domains. The gaming industry is, of course, prominent user of VR, but the education, health, business, and many other areas will directly benefit from VR technology endlessly. Maybe one day, just like in Steven Spielberg' 2018 movie" Ready Player One”, by 2045 people might build and find their ultimate heaven in Virtual Reality world.   References Brown, A., & Green, T. (2016). Virtual reality: Low-cost tools and resources for the classroom. TechTrends, 60(5), 517-519. doi: Figueroa, M. A. (2016). Playing with the future. 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